Our worship services, events, teachings and praise music
Our worship services, events, teachings and praise music
Our worship services, events, teachings and praise music
Our worship services, events, teachings and praise music
Our worship services, events, teachings and praise music
Our worship services, events, teachings and praise music
Our worship services, events, teachings and praise music
Our worship services, events, teachings and praise music
Our worship services, events, teachings and praise music
Our worship services, events, teachings and praise music
Our worship services, events, teachings and praise music
Our worship services, events, teachings and praise music
1. How can you partner with Restore Church Network to plant microchurches with a focus on engaging communities where evil abounds?
2. How can you financially support the planting of microchurches in the United States and the United Kingdom?
Planting Partners
The Great Commission task of planting microchurches in multiple cities and regions in the United States and the United Kingdom to reach people negatively impacted by drugs, alcohol and sex outside of Biblical marriage is too big for our church.
We're praying for churches, non-profit Christian ministries and individual Christians who believe that the Bible is our sole authority for how to live a
Christian life to join us. Together, we pray, we'll be in position for the Holy Spirit to use us to gather His elect, restoring them to the abundant life Jesus promised and making them disciples who make disciples.
To the point, we need laborers with teaching, shepherding, apostolic, hospitality and exhortation and more spiritual gifts to be a part of this kingdom building endeavor.
For more information contact:
Mo Wildey, pastor and Indianapolis city missionary, +1 317.695.6047 or mowildey@restorechurchnetwork.com.
Financial Supporters
Planting churches to reach addiction, poverty-stricken and sex industry people groups is not a financially prosperous endeavor. We are praying for financial partners to come alongside us, helping to enable our microchurch planting to quickly produce multiplying church families of disciplemakers.
In particular, we're praying for monthly $50, $100, $250 and $500 supporters.
Here's how you can financially support this church planting work